Imagine this… You are so small you could hide behind a mushroom!..would you be able to sit still? …..Would
you want to be found?
Imagine this …… You hear a tiny crying sound down by the stream…
Would you investigate ..would you bring your Me ?
Imagine this…ready to fight the fight for the brave and noble…A Dragonfly Warrior swoops in and leads negotiatations with the great Orb Weaver spider…
Imagine this …. You see some beautiful flowers reach out to pick them and …arghhh .. a usually cute
but now angry little flower fairy
pops up out of the bush and warns you away. ..Would you listen? ..Would you be respectful and leave ?
this ..You are sitting at the beach and you look up to see a Water Fairy looking at you… what would you say to her?
Imagine this… if you want to be “Fairied”
I can help make that happen. Just email me ..
Fairies DO Exist *******Just Ask One!