Fairies of Nova Scotia

Start 2 Finish

From start to finish: It takes me most times at least twenty layers of extras to finish plus all the hue changing and colour adjusting cropping and adding not to even get into how many times I move each layer to make sure it is placed correctly. I spend hours working on each photograph. This is the very simplified version of how the process is for me.


Ø     The first thing I do is choose a photograph. I like this one of my little niece.



Ø     The next step for me was to crop her out of the original photo, and then I added a back round and filled it up with a few extra clouds.



Ø     I then add the various highlighted colours to her cheeks and lips.

Ø      I spend time choosing the right wings adding them.

Ø      Softening the clothing she is wearing also that she looks like she is more angelic.



Ø     I cropped and added back in the beams of light by bringing up the brightness of them.

Ø     I then find the right Jesus and fade him into the back round



Ø     I add some doves and move them around until I like where they are, then I sign and date each finished piece.

Reaching for Faith. (tuturioral)

Fairies DO Exist *******Just Ask One!