Fairies of Nova Scotia

Fairy Magic

Learn about secret Fairy Charms

Learn something interesting "Fairy Magic"

this is supposed to be from a 17th century work

                               * Bluebells *
 to attract faeries to dance in your garden. On Beltane eve, make an  ankle braclet of "Bluebells" and "jingle" bells to attract helpful fae  folk to  you.

                                  * Clover *

 A sacred faery plant, clovers of all kinds will attract them. Lay seven  grains of wheat on a four-leafed clover to see the Faery.
                               * Elderberry *
 Used to make Faery wine, these berries can be burned on a fire to invite  the Good Folk to a gathering. Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine
 and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a  human  drinks the wine, she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should  drink  Elderberry wine from the same goblet as a Faery being, he will be able  to  see them forever after.
                        * Elecampagne *
Also known as Elfswort. This root can be scattered around the home to  attract the Sidhe. It can be added to any magick or spell to invoke  Faery  blessing.
                             * Foxglove *
 The source of the modern heart drug Digitalis, Foxglove can have  seriously dangerous results if taken internally. DO NOT INGEST!!  Instead,
 plant Foxglove near your front door to invite the Faery in. Put a dried  sprig  of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light.
                          * Heather *
 Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their  world and our own. Make an offering of Heather on "Beltane" eve to  attract good fae to your garden
                               * Lilac *
 The sweet scent is said to draw Fae spirits to your garden. Lilac and  primroses for midsummers eve, will please the Fae.
                             * Mistletoe *
 The most sacred herb of the Druids. Mistletoe is a magickal activator.  In  Faery spells, use a dash of Mistletoe taken on Summer Solstice to  empower your workings with Faery magick.
                              * Milkweed *
Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is  planted  in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area. The silky  tassels of the  milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to not only make it softer but also to make you dream of fairies. In the Autumn when the  pods are bursting and the fluffy seeds are flying across the fields, a  wish is  granted for each seed that can be caught and then released again.
                              * Peony *
Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries. A garland  of  the seeds were placed around the child's neck to keep them safe 
                            * Poppies *
 Said to invoke the faery into your dreams Make a dream pillow of fresh  poppies to entice the fae to your dreams.
                                 * Primrose *

 When planted in a garden or hung dried on the front door, primroses will  attract the company of Faeries. If you have them growing under your  care,  do not let them die! The Faery will be deeply offended by your  carelessness. Primroses are great in container gardens. Tie a pink ribbon  around your container of Primroses while chanting; "Sacred roses, hear my cry
 for your protection, this I tie"
                                * Roses *
Roses attract the Faery to a garden. Their sweet scent will lure
elemental  spirits to take up residence close by. Roses can be used in Faery love spells. When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet  and  dance softly upon them while asking the Faery for their blessing on your  magick.
 Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant Roses in your garden to  attract fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose and you need to  say  the following spell as you plant your baby Rose bush:

 "I ask a fairy from the wild,
 To come and tend this wee rose-child.
 A babe of air she thrives today,
 Root her soul in the Goddesses' good clay.
 Fairies make this twig your bower,
 By your magic shall time see her flower!"

                                  * Thyme *

 Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the Sidhe. Sprinkle it  at the  base of your door, and on window sills to invite the Faery to enter your  home.


Cut out two squares of soft fabric approximately 6 inches
square....velvet, velveteen or satin are preferred, sew around three
sides of the squares with white or silver thread.

Mix in an enamel bowl:
Rose Petals (two parts)
Lemon Balm (two parts)
Clover (one part)
Mint (one part)
Lavender (one part )
Milkweed pod silky tassels (2 parts)

Turn the pillow inside out so that the seams don't show, stuff the
pillow with your herb mixture. Sew up the end so that the herbs stay
in the pillow.
You can then decorate the pillow if you want with lace, silk, or
embroider with designs, etc. Take this pillow to bed with you at
night and put it under your pillow. This not only smells great but
will help you to have dreams of the fey.

NOTE: After six months these pillows may lose their "fresh" scent.
You can reuse them by emptying out the old contents and
refilling them with new herbs.

~author unknown



Trees associated with Fairies

Alder- The Fae of the Alder have been known as the " dark Faeries". They are very protective. When they leave their trees this Faerie will take the form of a Raven

Apple- This also known as the home for Unicorns.

Birch- This is sometimes known as the" Lady of the Woods" .

Elder- The Elder tree is sacred to the Druid clans. It is the tree of the beginning and the end.

Oak- Linking with the Oak Faeries awakens visions of your future.

Willow- It is associated with Brigid in the Celtic tradition; It opens vision and communicationThere are many well known ways to see Faery Folk. One is simply to
gaze through the opening of a holey stone or
self-bored stone. These are usually found near running water or by
the sea. They are often seen within a natural ring of
mushrooms at sunset or full moonlight. When seeking nature spirits
never wear, or carry iron, whistle, or ring bells in the


There are many trees which are sacred to the Faery. The elder is
to offer protection for the Faeries from evil night
spirits, and it will work for mortals as well. Try looking in oak
groves for "Faery Folks are in old oaks". Acorns can be made
into Faery talismans when found by the light of the full moon.  The
adler is also connected to the Faery, as Robert Graves
states in "The White Goddess":

"The Adler was, and is, celebrated for yielding fine dyes:  green
from the flowers and brown from the twigs and red from
the berries: typifying fire, water and earth. One reason for the
adlers sanctity is that when it is felled the wood, at first white,
seems to bleed crimson as though it were a man. (or dryad or Faery
tree spirit!) The green dye is associated in British
folklore with the fairies clothes; so in so far as the fairies may
regarded as survivals of early tribes, forced to take to the hills
and woods, the green of the clothes is explained as protective
coloring; foresters and outlaws also adopted it in
mediaval times. Its use seems to be very ancient."


The scent of roses is a powerful attracting force to the Faery.
rose oil when seeking the Fae Folk. A rose water
preparation can be made to bathe in before doing any rite of the
Faery Wicca Tradition. It is traditionally made by taking
21 measures of rose petals and steeping them in a copper kettle with
a lid. They should be left to soak for the space of
full moon to full moon. This rose water can be used to scent the
and hair and as "holy water" in works of Faery

 metals and fairies

If venturing into the world of Faery Magick,, ensure that all of your tools are made of copper, silver or woods that are sacred to Faerie. Oak is probably the best to use. If gem stones are to be used, the most appropriate are Faerie stones (staurorite), Quartz Crystal, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Celestite (blue quartz), Selenite, Amethyst, Labradorite, and Amber. To guard against mischievious spirits, it is best to use flint. (source unknown)

Fairies are said in general to have an aversion to iron or even to  be harmed by it's touch . This is not true of all fae though and among the Fairy traditions of Asia there are tales of Iron working fae.

 Deva crystals are quartz crystals with lots of "fairy frost" that is, inclusions of  white fillaments and frosty effects. Holding one of these while you meditate will facillitate contact with the fairy and Devic realms. This kind of crystal is very common 

Double Bubble Toil and Trouble..


Fairies DO Exist *******Just Ask One!